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Framing Bodies: Gorgeous Photos Challenging Conventional Masculinity
Artist Alexander Menjivar and photographer David Macke are here with "Framing Bodies," a photo series exploring context, dress, and masculinity. This gorgeous shoot was inspired by a quote from an essay written by Chiara Bassetti, Male Dancing Body, Stigma And Normalising Processes. Playing With (Bodily) Signifieds/ers Of Masculinity.
“By framing bodies, in fact, context introduces further meanings, which in turn are able to impress different nuances upon the same semiotic resources. If worn on Juri Chechi on the springboard, rather than Adam Cooper onstage, the same tight suit takes on different meanings. The visibility of the male dancer’s body at the swimming pool needs no legitimization but that provided by a context in which the visibility of any and every body is socially allowed beyond common norms.”
The idea is that the same body changes in association as masculine or feminine based on the context of the body. This shoot aims to pluralize masculinity in its performances not belonging to either masculine or feminine.
Keep scrolling to check out this beautiful photo series.
Styling and Art Direction: Alexander Menjivar
Photographer: David Macke
First Assistant: KevinDrelon
Hair and Beauty: Sabrina Galletii
Mimir Jensen (Muse NYC)
Dom Alba (New York Models)
Raheem Rogers (Fusion)
Jordan Nolen (New York Models)