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Plus 146 Jan-Feb Issue: HIV and the Black Community in 2022

Drag Race star and activist Trinity K. Bonet graces the cover of our annual African-American issue.
December 09 2021 9:48 AM EST
December 09 2021 10:03 AM EST
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Drag Race star and activist Trinity K. Bonet graces the cover of our annual African-American issue.
Plus’s first issue of 2022 focuses on HIV in the African-American community, and we’re not just looking at the problems and concerns, but also the joys and victories — and Trinity K. Bonet of Drag Race All Stars is the perfect person to epitomize that. Our cover star has found her voice as an advocate for not only people living with HIV, but Black people suffering under systemic oppression and police violence. Another community leader is Toni Newman, the new interim director of the Black AIDS Institute and one of the very few Black trans women running a national nonprofit. Newman speaks to Plus editor in chief Desirée Guerrero about her history-making role and what she plans to focus on at BAI. We also take a look at the housing crisis in Atlanta and how it specifically affects HIV-positive folks. Also, don’t miss interviews with Savion Garcon of HBO Max’s ballroom competition Legendary and gay actor Victor Garber from Titanic, Legally Blonde, and Godspell.