The Morning After: Taking Care of You, Yours, Ours

If it’s too much, for now, stop, read novels, see movies, at least for a while so you can heal — then take my advice.
November 09 2016 6:45 AM EST
November 04 2024 9:34 AM EST
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If it’s too much, for now, stop, read novels, see movies, at least for a while so you can heal — then take my advice.
Immerse Yourself In Your Definition of Faith
This could be prayer, this could be nature. For those who observe, the repetition of familiar liturgy has a meditative effect. For others, it might be your own meditation practice or the time you spend under trees or by the water. Try if you can to find gratitude for what is still good and right. My best friend has a daily gratitude practice. As we say in Hebrew: tov lehadot l’adonai. It is good to give thanks to God or to that which is larger than us all.
Hold Tight to Your Loved Ones
They need you and you need them. Your children, especially those who are “different” in some way, are likely to begin hearing horrible things by others who are just repeating the hateful rhetoric that will no doubt gain more airspace. Protect them and help them protect themselves.
Your Community Needs You
It is likely that much will be reversed and little will be won over the coming time. This means, just like it was with the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, it is up to us to care for those most vulnerable in our communities. The homeless LGBT kid, the poor elder, the person who is suddenly uninsured, the undocumented, the Muslim neighbor. Donate and volunteer as much as you can to keep them and our community spaces safe. One thing I am grateful for is that I have joined the board of SAGE. Our LGBT seniors will be more vulnerable than ever. They need us.
Don't Leave The Earth Defenseless
Those who are about to be in charge believe global warming is a hoax. And they will continue to do so as the ice melts and the oceans overwhelm us, as the massive storms do repeated damage and the extremes of temperature exhaust us. This cause needs all of us. We need to connect into it to save ourselves and our planet.
And When You Feel You Can…
Fight and engage in the struggle. No matter what your social justice cause. Be there non-violently and with all you can give. Because as some wise lads from Liverpool once said, “I read the news today, oh boy.”