Kids in the Hall was a revolutionary comedy sketch show created by Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels in the 1980s. In 1989 the Kids in the Hall produced the skit Running Faggot, which has seen a resurgence in views on social media this week, introducing a whole new generation to the comedy troupe's antics.
Its pure hilarity may make you think differently about the F-word, as well. In fact, two of their funniest skits included the word "faggot" in their title and another was simply called Fag! Each of these star gay comedian Scott Thompson, who was doing this sort of edgy queer comedy at the height of the HIV epidemic in North America.
According to Mallory Ortberg of The Toast, "Sometimes the best sketches are the ones where they stopped writing it as soon as they came up with the core concept. Scott [Thompson] … said, simply, 'Running Faggot' during one of their pitch meetings and everyone just sort of nodded, like, 'We trust you, Scott,' and he borrowed a friend’s Davy Crockett outfit and that was that. They came up with the song morning of. Thompson never let anyone forget that there was a real live gay man in the Kids in the Hall, and I think that’s tremendous."
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