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A Rare Case of Lesbian HIV Transmission Is Documented

A Rare Case of Lesbian HIV Transmission Is Documented


HIV genotypic testing has confirmed a rare case of sexual transmission of HIV between two women, according to a report in the February 1 edition of the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. The case involves a formerly HIV-negative 20-year-old Philadelphia woman who was apparently infected by her female partner, likely through the sharing of sex toys. Genetic tests showed that the virus in both women was nearly identical, including having six specific genetic mutations conveying anti-HIV drug resistance, leading the researchers to confirm that the infection passed from one woman to the other. The study is the first to use HIV genotypic testing to identify female-to-female HIV transmissions. Based on their findings, the researchers conclude that while female-to-female HIV transmissions are extremely rare, there is a small chance that one HIV-positive partner can pass along the virus to the other, and because of this, women in HIV-discordant relationships should be advised to practice safer sex.

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