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Hepatitis C Speeds HIV Progression

Hepatitis C Speeds HIV Progression


HIV disease progresses more quickly in adults coinfected with hepatitis C, according to a study in the November 15 edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases. A study of the medical records of 970 HIV patients in Atlanta showed that 32% who were coinfected with HCV had shorter survival times after being diagnosed with HIV infection and also died more quickly after progressing to an AIDS diagnosis. Previous research of HIV-HCV coinfected patients had shown no difference in survival times, but most of those studies were conducted prior to the availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy, the researchers say. Some of the possible reasons for the change seen in the current study might be the long-term liver-related side effects of combination therapy, more patients being tested for HCV, and a longer follow-up period that allowed more time for liver problems to surface, according to the researchers.

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