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Plus Issue 120 Sept/Oct 2017: MTV Star Karamo Brown

MTV's The Real World star Karamo Brown took a few years out of the limelight, but he's now back with three TV series, a movie, and a very important new mission. His new organization, 6in10, is meant to battle the stigma and miseducation around black gay and bi men and HIV transmission. Now that the stats are closer to one in two black gay or bi men will become HIV-positive in their lifetimes, Brown's mission is all the more urgent. Plus: Inside the life-saving new operations that are letting people with HIV get new kidneys after their own have failed. Also in this issue: Fighting drug resistance, a mumps outbreak in L.A., a new hep C cure, and Truvada goes generic.
July 18 2017 8:46 AM EST
July 18 2017 12:55 PM EST