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Opportunistic Infections & Other Drugs

Rifadin, Rifadin IV

Rifadin, Rifadin IV

Generic name: rifampin


What it does:
Helps prevent or treat infections caused by a certain type of bacterium, including the one that causes tuberculosis

Traditional dosage:
10 mg per kg of body weight, once daily, orally in capsule form (Rifadin) or intravenously (Rifadin IV). Daily dosage should not exceed 600 milligrams. Oral dosage should be one hour before or two hours after a meal with water

Drug interactions, precautions, & recommendations:
Do not take if taking Reyataz, Prezista, Lexiva, Fortovase, Invirase, or Aptivus. Dosage of anticoagulant drugs should be adjusted. Use with caution if you have diabetes. Switch to nonhormonal contraceptives.

Side effects:
Most serious: Gastrointestinal distress, changes in liver function, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, menstrual irregularities, jaundice, darkened urine Other: loss of appetite, fever, joint pain
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